Actor, Puppeteer, and Teaching Artist

Friday 5

1. I admit it, I’m a bit of an Austin Kleon fanboy right now. Ride the wave.

2. A really fun platform game I found through the DownloadSquad, Give up Robot is simple and fun and suitable for work except for the sounds… turn them down.


The colors are totally soothing.

3. Nerd food from UberReview

Up, Down, Up, Down, Left Right Left Right B A Select Start.


5. I don’t shill for things much. It’s not worth my time or yours. But there are things that I feel comfortable telling you that if you have something to give to a cultural project, this project will be worth it. This project will spend your money well and deliver a product you wish you had made yourself.

When people ask what makes Austin “Austin“ Allison Orr is one of my answers. Dance in community. Dance with community. The Trash Project was the epitome of that and this film documents that triumph. I know that the widget says that they’re at 99% with 10 days to go, but that’s for the rough cut, they’re going to need more. Allison Orr and the Trash Project are worth a portion of your tithe.

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